Wow... I can't believe I have been struggling so long with taking photographs of my work. In general I am pretty happy with my photographs which is why I continued so long as I had. But it all depends on how much natural light I get. And a dark rainy day or evening doesn't work well. So that meant I was waiting for good light.
On Monday when I had no time and was pretty much overwhelmed with my custom work, Christmas holidays (I haven't even started on presents yet), house chores, taking children to orthodontists .... I sat down for an hour and made myself a light box. Such a simple thing gives such awesome results. I just took a cardboard box and cut out large squares in the sides and top. Then I cut white fabric sections to cover these holes and glued them to the cardboard.
Now I can take photos anytime of the day. I can't believe that I have struggled so long without this seemingly simple tool.
Saturday morning was breakfast with Santa at the elementary school. My daughter sang in the choir.
We have our Christmas tree up! Up to now I have felt that I've been too busy for Christmas. But just seeing the tree puts me in a good mood. Saturday at 4pm we went out up to Ashby and to a local farm. I miss the beautiful snow scene we enjoyed last year but it was nice to take home a dry tree. Of course we were practically choosing our tree in the dark (it was difficult getting everyone to agree) and it was dark by the time it was tied to the top of our van.
Our town Christmas tree lighting ceremony was Sunday evening. We gathered at the common to sing carols and then after the trees were lit all went to one of the local churches for more music and after hobo stew. Like all years we really enjoyed this simple moment of community.