Rain's End
Just a little bit about my art and life in general....

Monday, February 21, 2011

A few things ...

I'm keeping busy getting through things day by day but feeling a bit lost. The girls are home on vacation this week. We enjoyed snow tubing on Monday and the MFA on Tuesday. The snow on Monday had me thinking back to the day of Mark's burial. I had fun while tubing but the rest of the day was tough. I can't say this is going to be easy in any way. Still trudging through paper work and probably will for a while yet.

I've got a several custom orders filling up my schedule for the spring. This should keep me busy a bit.

These lovely treasuries made on Etsy include some of my work.

'nature and birds!!' by hobilium

nature and birds!!

white iron love bir...

3 magnets with wild...

Bird Nest Pendant N...

Colored girl's ...

Vintage Harry M Pat...

Butterfly necklace

Ring bearer lily pa...

Migrating swallow s...

Little house living...

Personalized Chocol...

Peace Birdie Love I...

Amigurumi happy lit...

Blossfedia - Color ...

Linen 4 Sandwich Ba...

Chillin - Fine Art ...

Circuit Board Tie T...

Treasury tool is sponsored by Lazzia.com A/B image testing.


'flowers in spring and!' by hobilium


Leg Warmers Angel&#...

Romantic Country st...

SPRING SALE floweri...

Fuchsia Flower Dre...

linen and lace -sto...

Ring bearer dish an...

Pair of vintage glo...

Fairy Shoes Wall Ar...

Pale Pink Chrysanth...


4 pcs- Crocheted C...


Hand knitted, Braid...

Lucinda Bloom And B...


In A Dream - Fine A...

Treasury tool is sponsored by Lazzia.com A/B image testing.