Rain's End
Just a little bit about my art and life in general....

Monday, June 4, 2007

Survived the weekend!

We survived the first crazy weekend in June and have another coming up next weekend. This is due to music recitals, dance recitals, and end of the year church plays for all 3 girls and husband as well.

As a break from all that turmoil I sat down on the couch and worked on these little guys today. It was too rainy and drizzly to tempt me to go outside -- though I have much to do to get caught up on my gardening. My daughter needed to make a model of a starfish for science class but our cement casting didn't set properly due to the cold. I suggested that she needle felt her model and she did a very good job on that. I am sure that her science teacher will be curious about the wool though.

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